Major Developments

The City of Unley is a robust environment with prosperous precincts and connected communities. We are committed to supporting and enabling growth that is balanced with environmental and social principles, maintaining the quality of life and diversity our communities need to continue to prosper.

Major Developments are important to the ongoing growth and economic health of our city, and we are pleased to offer this guide to help communicate what is required from you the developer/builder in order for Council to support a successful project.

This page includes links to access relevant forms and a Developer Checklist to ensure Council’s requirements are adhered to prior to, during and upon completion of the project.

Pre-Construction Considerations

  • General project information & proposed schedule of works
  • How the development is intended to be undertaken
  • Relevant development conditions
  • Determine appropriate permits or approvals required, including those that may adversely impact the community.
  • Confirm required traffic management and/ or parking controls
  • Identify anticipated impacts to Council infrastructure
  • Consider appropriate communication/notification/engagement required with the local community throughout the development – from initiation to construction to completion.



Community & Project Considerations

Development of major projects is important to the growth of the City of Unley. Developers are required to contact Council prior to commencement of construction to discuss the scope of the project, identify potential risks, address community matters and outline Council requirements to facilitate project delivery with as minimal an impact to the surrounding community as possible.

  • Construction noise
  • Dust & Asbestos
  • Stormwater
  • Trees
  • Building waste
  • Traffic management 
  • Road & footpath closures
  • Parking


Where a permit is required from Council, it should be lodged in advance to allow for adequate time to review and approve the application. A permit from Council will be required for the following:

  • Altering a public road
  • Occupying Council land (including a skip bin)
  • Local nuisance exemption
  • Street removal
  • Hoarding
  • Temporary road or footpath closure

All applications forms can be found on Council’s website: Forms & Applications | City of Unley.

Building Notifications, Inspections & Occupancy

After development approval is granted, the Decision Notification Form (DNF) lists the mandatory building notifications to be submitted and timeframes that they are required to be submitted within.

Applicants and/or builders submitting the mandatory building notifications to Council, during the construction of the building or building works, can do so by selecting the Submit Mandatory building notification option via the Your Applications dashboard on the PlanSA portal.

The same option enables applicants and builders to view building notifications that have already been submitted.

• Submit a building notification

• Upload further documentation associated with a building/building work notification.

Councils can view and action building notification and arrange for Building Inspections to be undertaken in accordance with Practice Direction 9 under the Planning Development and Infrastructure Act 2016.

On completing an inspection, a record of that inspection will be accurately recorded within the Plan SA portal. If Council decides that rectifications are required, an email or letter is sent to the builder/owner builder who submitted the ‘original’ building notification.

When the final building notification ‘Building Work Completed’ is submitted, following an inspection by Council (as applicable), you can then apply for the Certificate of Occupancy (CoO).


Council Related Issues & Responsibilities 

Council will be the relevant authority to contact.

  • Nuisance created by construction
  • Nuisance created by dust
  • Site drag out
  • Road closures
  • Use of the public realm
  • Waste management
  • Damage to Council infrastructure
  • Development compliance
  • Parking enforcement

External Related Issues & Responsibilities 

Common complaints that are raised during construction; however, fall outside authority of Council.

Asbestos removal        Safework SA           1300 365 255     
Safety of workers Safework SA 1300 365 255
Moving vehicles (speed, size etc).           SA POLICE 131 444
Nuisance from amplified music SA POLICE 131 444
Nuisance from people talking SA POLICE 131 444
Behaviour of people SA POLICE 131 444

If you or anyone is impacted or affected by the following issues, we suggest that you notify Council or the relevant agencies so that your enquiry can be investigated and addressed accordingly.

To ensure that any complaints are properly allocated, it is advisable that all Council enquiries are directed to the Customer Service team at Council via phone on 8372 5111 or online via

Report an issue | City of Unley.

Developer Checklist

The Developer Checklist(PDF, 131KB) outlines the following:

  • Pre-Lodgement
  • Assessment Process
  • Pre-Construction
  • Construction
  • Post-Construction 

For all Council forms and applications contact Council's Customer Service Team on 8372 5111, contact the Major Development Coordinator or visit the City of Unley website.


Major Development Map

City of Unley Major Developments ( >10 Dwellings ) summary and key stats from corridor & residential growth rezoning 2013 - 2017. This map was last updated November 2024.

Major Development Map(PDF, 83KB)


Find out more about the development application process here.