Need help, or want to tell us something? We can help you find information about your enquiry, or offer you a variety of ways to contact us.
The Unley Civic Centre, 181 Unley Road, Unley, is open Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 5pm.
Need to report an issue?
Tell us more about the issue you would like to report and we can help you work out the best way to resolve it.
Need to make a payment online?
Make a rates, invoice, infringement or application payment online.
Pay online
Want to give a compliment, make a complaint or provide us with a suggestion?
Complete the form below to let us know.
How to contact us
Our Promise to you
We will:
Listen to you and treat you with respect.
Respond promptly to your requests and you will receive a consistent service from us.
Make it easy for you do business with us and simplify our interactions, including continually improving the self-help options available to you.
Keep you updated on progress, so you know what is happening, why and timeframes.
Provide you with a process to escalate your concern/complaint.
Respect your privacy and handle personal information in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1991.
Help us help you
Provide us with accurate and complete information.
Treat our staff and other customers with courtesy and respect.
Work with us to help solve problems.
Understand that if an Officer feels threatened or experiences abusive language or behaviours they may terminate the communication.
Customer Service Standards
City-of-Unley-Customer-Service-Standards.pdf(PDF, 169KB)