2023 Unley Road revitalisation

Published on 21 December 2022

Bicycle at Two Four Six complex Unley Road

Unley Road revitalisation set to commence

The revitalisation of the Unley Road streetscape is nearing with stage 1 set to commence in late March/early April 2023.

The upgrade will improve the appearance of Unley Road to appeal to those that work, live and visit this main street precinct. Unley Road will be seen as an attractive, vibrant and accessible public realm that seamlessly connects to surrounding side streets and ultimately enhances the entire Unley area.

Council is tendering for the construction work into January 2023 with the preferred contractor anticipated to be appointed in late February 2023. It is Council’s expectations that an experienced local civil contractor will undertake the stormwater and streetscape works.

Stage 1 prioritises the much-needed replacement of underground stormwater infrastructure on the eastern side of Unley Road. This will occur between Greenhill Road and Whittam Street (approximately 600 metres in length). The installation of a new expanded pipe network will require demolition of the road (in some areas), the existing kerb and adjacent footpaths.

New paved footpaths along with street furniture and jaccaranda tree planting (at 15 possible locations) will occur once the new stormwater infrastructure has been completed. This will see improved accessibility for both pedestrians and cyclists and maximise the economic outcomes for business along the street.

It is anticipated that the engineering works along Unley Road will be undertaken in sections to minimise disruption and maintain services. The extent and duration of each section may vary due to needs or certain locations or required work.

Hours of work may also vary with a combination of day or night works to address the needs of different stakeholders, whilst achieving a consolidated construction program.

Further detail regarding the work and construction schedule will be confirmed with businesses and residents once the preferred contractor has determined the timeframes.

Stage 1 work is anticipated to commence in late March / early April and extend to late June 2023. Work along the street frontage will be staged to minimise disruption to existing footpaths and to local businesses and residents.