A nice secluded and undercover outdoor area perfect for a relaxed meeting for a small group of people.
View the area through the 3D tour. The verandah is at the back of the facility - walk across the main hall at a diagonal to the right to reach it in the tour, or a floor plan is available below.
Back Verandah total area: 62m2
Maximum 18 people.
Maximum room capacity is set by the Centre to ensure fire and evacuation safety.
$18 per hour, or $39 per half day (up to four hours), or$78 per full day (up to eight hours)
A bond will be required depending upon the type of function. Bond is refundable subject to meeting the terms and conditions of hire.
Note: Set-up and pack-up times are counted as hire and must be included in hire times required.
1. Read the Conditions of Hire and Download the application.
Unley Community Centre 2025 Hire Agreement(PDF, 434KB)
2. Contact the Centre on 8372 5128 prior to completing the application to check availability and make a tentative booking.
3. Deliver the application to the Unley Community Centre office or email via ucc@unley.sa.gov.au
18 Arthur Street, Unley 5061 View Map
18 Arthur Street , Unley 5061